Anders Krüger

Lada 1
The photo shows the work “House for wings and stone, 2012".
The idea of the linear, stable, mathematical time has historically been one of the most effective power tools. It is such a powerful and at the same time simple image that it has become a dominant matrix for how we conceive of existence, our existence, space, the cosmos. As if time were a force of nature, an inherent phenomenon in everything.

“We speak of time and space, as if they were equivalent and comparable sizes. I think a fundamental thought error — a mind trap — is the notion that space would be static, unchanging if time didn't exist.

The room is by its very nature changeable. There is no known space, regardless of scale, from micro- to macrocosm, that is not in a state of constant change - from subatomic particles to planets and galaxies. No time is needed for everything to continually change — that is the fundamental, intrinsic property of space and matter — to change. Everything flows. Time is the tool we have invented to measure, and logically try to understand, the variability of space and matter. But we have confused the gear with reality - the gear has become the reality. In other words, we are losing the ability to live in space, matter, body. We are increasingly living only in time. And time is a very inhospitable fiction.

A consequence of the linear concept of time is that it forces us to perceive the “present” as an imaginary microscopic point, a constantly disappearing moment, running like sand between our fingers - while both the past and the future seem to expand like endless landscapes we can never, ever cross. It provokes a fundamental stress and alienation — we feel alien in the changing nature of our own bodies, and as strangers in the organic, geological space of the world. The mutability of space and matter, entropy - the decay of everything, frightens us. We don't want to be a part of this. So we close our eyes, displace the great enigma of body, matter, and space, and continue to measure life and existence in years, hours, minutes, seconds.

Fortunately, there are oases of timelessness in our world — in art, literature, music, erotica — where the present expands like a Supernova, engulfing both past and future. Where we can glimpse the great enigma of space and matter. Then it swells, and the world becomes visible - emerges in the spaces between words, between thoughts - and touches us.

The work of art in general, and sculpture specifically, can be considered an act of resistance — a means of re-conquering reality from the dominion of logical-abstract thinking. A method of connecting consciousness with body, matter, space. To make the world bigger by sharpening the senses. To have an intimate and critical conversation with history- to keep it alive.

It is by necessity a slow process — but in the practice of art it is the path that is the goal.”

Text: Anders Kruger
Curator: Sven Lundh

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