Tom Sandqvist

The Wet Language — Death, Death in Fließendorf

Smålands Konstarkiv
Bilden visar ett barn som står i ett hörn av ett rum med en gasmask.

This exhibition by art historian, writer and artist Tom Sandqvist consists of an ever-growing series of photographic collage images around questions of language, body, identity, strangeness and home belonging: the Dadaist meeting his twin. Many of the images have autobiographical undertones. The exhibition is realized as a framed series of digital photographic collages and a video that has been compiled in collaboration with the artist Göran Pettersson.

The exhibition The Wet Language — Death, Death in Fließendorf can best be described from the ideas embodied in Sandqvist's books The Wet Language (2023, Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion) and Death, death in Fließendorf (2024, Litorale). The exhibition binds together discourses on the issue of alienation, identities, twinning.

Tom Sandqvist (b. 1954) is an art historian and fiction writer. He has worked as a professor of the theory of art and the history of ideas at Royal Institute of Art and Konstfack in Stockholm. In addition to publishing art studies focused on Central and Eastern European Modernism and Eastern Jewish culture, as well as a series of essays on the philosophy of art, he has also made himself known in recent years for his fiction. Internationally, Sandqvist has attracted attention with, among others Dada East (The MIT Press 2006) about the Romanian-Jewish Dadaists at Cabaret Voltaire and their roots in East Jewish culture and philosophy. Sandqvist's fiction output includes novels The novel about the slap (2015), Bequeathed property (2017), Hertha Hesselson (2020) and Amor Fati (2022). In 2019, Tom Sandqvist received the Längmanska Kulturfondens Grand Prize for Culture.

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